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Gotta Make Them All - Pokeball


Please note that I would consider this an advanced project that has a lot of pieces to put together.

Final Size of Pokeball

L: 3.0 in

W: 3.0 in

H: 3.0 in

Materials Needed:

Paper: Red, White, Black paper

Cricut tools: Fine Point Blade, Scoring Tool, Pen *Optional

Other tools: Glue

Prepping the SVG and Cutting

When you first open the SVG you'll see the following

Top row is the bottom part of the pokeball

Second row is the top part of the pokeball

The two strips are the black that go on the edge of the pokeball halves

The last row contains the hinge to keep the pokeballs together and the center piece which consists of 3 pieces

Once you get the SVG, I would recommend following these steps to avoid confusion.

1. Sometimes it imports too big or too small into Design Space, so please select everything, lock the dimensions (see picture below where the icon looks like below and not opened). Change the width to 27.536.

2. Ungroup everything, you'll be left with the first, second and third row still grouped together so you can work through each section individually. Ungroup the first row and each section of the pokeball will be grouped together in the layers panel.

If you select the first item, you'll in the grouped section and look over at the Operations section you'll notice that it says Basic Cut and the color red. If the color red, please change it to Score instead of Basic Cut. Once you changed the type to Score, you can go ahead and select the group (select where it says Pokeball and the down arrow) and attach. Note: You will need to do this for EVERY piece of the pokeball.

Once you finish the first row, you'll do the same process to the second row. However I suggest changing the bottom color from black to red. So that it looks like below. Don't forget to change the Score line and attach, just one more step of changing the bottom color to red (you'll see why later). You'll need to do this for EVERY section in pokeball for the top part.

3. Once you get to the third group, you have two strips. Ungroup the two strips, you'll have two items, find the one that has the red next to basic cut and change that to Score and attach. You'll also do the same for the hinges pieces that are underneath the strips (score and attach).

4. Last step! Hooray! Ungroup the circle until you have one layer each, so it looks like below

The next step would be to change the yellow from Basic Cut to Draw. Then attach the section together. Now every piece is prepped and ready to be cut. Once you hit 'Make' everything should be on their appropriate color layer.

Assembly Time

Once you have all the pieces cut out, I suggest ordering it according to how they are laid out in the SVG (order is very important, if you glue pieces together that aren't in the correct order then things will not fit together). Once you laid out all the pieces, work from left to right. Take the first two pieces, fold all the score lines on both pieces. Grab the first piece (most left piece) and add glue on the right tabs and lay the second piece on the tabs. Try to not overlap the pieces too much and only cover the tab sections. You'll notice even from the first two pieces that the pieces will curve and you should just naturally let it curve as you add more pieces.

Repeat the steps by grabbing the third piece, fold the score lines and attach to the first two pieces working on your right side.

Once all the 12 pieces are attached, take the star looking piece at the end and fold all the score lines. I added glue to each triangle and placed it into the bottom part of the ball and kept rotating the ball half and pushing down the triangles until the piece no longer moved.

Then grab the strip and fold all the score lines and add glue to each section. Place it on the upper top part of the pokeball to cover any mistakes that you might want to hide. Repeat to the other side of the pokeball. The hinge pieces can be placed anywhere on the ball, I used it to hide any of the pokeball sections I wasn't happy with. The way I did it was to lay both pokeball pieces next to each other on the section where i was going to hinge together. Add glue to to one side of the rectangle and attach the outer end of the pokeball sections together so that it looks like below. Test out your hinge to make sure that it opens and closes and that the hinge is close to the top part of the pokeball. If it's too low then the pokeball will have trouble closing.

Once you attached one hinge (wait for it to dry and doesn't move anymore), flip the pokeball over and add the second hinge.

The last step is assembling the front part of the pokeball. You should have one black piece with a circle drawing, one white piece with a circle drawing and one white circle. Take the white circle and glue it to the white circle with the circle drawing. Then glue that section to the black piece with the circle drawing. Turn the black circle around and only glue half of the cirlce and attach to the red part of the pokeball directly across the hinge portion.

That's all! Thank you for reading if you got this far, if you have any questions please leave them down below or email and I would love to help you through any problems that come up. Also, if you enjoyed this blog, please consider going to the donate tab and keep this blog going to bring you more freebies in the future.

Happy Crafting!

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1 Comment

Viv L
Viv L
Jan 24, 2024

Hi, do you still have this SVG available? I didn't see it in your shop

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